

Community members, some sitting some standing, look over village demarcations in Uganda

Tetra Tech helps expand locally led development by helping strengthen the capacity of institutions around the world to achieve their development objectives.

Tetra Tech works alongside our clients to support institutions on their journeys to self-reliance. Strong institutions effectively implement their mandates to support citizens, 是否通过提供优质的政府服务, 增加融资渠道, 或者实施保护弱势群体的政策. 我们提供一套全面的评估, 能力建设, and monitoring services to help strengthen a wide range of institutions.

我们与政府机构合作, 大学, 研究机构, 合作社, 生产组织, 私营机构, 非政府组织, 地区的身体, 以及专业网络. Tetra Tech helps identify potential partners using criteria developed in conjunction with the U.S. 国际开发署.g., 利益相关者的动机, 可持续性可能性, 和吸收能力), 然后评估并加强他们的能力. Our approaches are highly scalable and adaptable and take a cross-sectoral approach to strengthen linkages between institutions.

Woman holding a bowl of fruits with several people in the background farming a field


To screen potential partner organizations for inclusion in our project activities, Tetra Tech leverages our Institutional Selection Process (INSPR) organizational selection tool. The tool—developed by our project managers—scores organizations based on relevant criteria, 其中可能包括组织绩效, 良好的治理, 可持续性, 物流能力, 吸收能力. 通过选择在这些方面得分较高的伙伴, project activities are more likely to have a sustainable positive impact.
A group of people in Cambodia sit underneath a structure at tables with laptops and notebooks


一旦通过我们的INSPR流程选择了合作伙伴, we use our Functional Organizational Capacity Assessment (FOCAS) tool—developed and finessed over decades of lessons learned in effective partner engagement—to help the institution identify its own capacity strengths, 差距, 在员工方面的需求, 技能, 程序, 技术, 和标准. FOCAS is highly adaptable and used to assess institutions across sectors, 包括市, 供水和卫生机构, 土地和资源治理机构, 农业合作社.

Tetra Tech also developed tools to address sector-specific capacities. 例如,我们的 water and sanitation team use the Institutional Strengthening Index (ISI), centering on water resources management and assessing capacities in hygiene and sanitation promotion.

One man talks with his hands to explain something to another man, standing and holding onto a pole


Tetra Tech develops tailored strengthening plans for the institutions we support using information gathered from our INSPR process and FOCAS tool. 计划优先考虑加强政策的行动, 结构, 系统, 和服务,并可能包括提供培训, 实习, 咨询服务, 或互访. Tetra Tech is committed to creating a service culture with the institutions it supports through our Quality Improvement Services Program (QSIP). QSIP works to instill a customer and quality-focused attitude, while encouraging proactive behaviors and continuous service improvements within an institution.

一个显示地图程序的笔记本电脑的特写镜头, with many other laptops and people in the background at a training


Tetra技术的 监督、评估和学习团队 uses FOCAS on an annual basis to measure changes in institutional capacity. 另外, we measure the change of perceptions toward institutions using our annual Knowledge and Attitudes and Practices assessments. Improvements measured through indicators that assess overall institutional performance, 领导决策, 以及实质性的成果. 例如,我们的 环境小组 measures improved capacity to assess or address climate change risks, 清洁能源问题, outcomes consistent with gender equality or female empowerment, 以及通过法律法规的进展. 

在利乐全球最大体育平台, we recognize that effective development programming that achieves long-lasting outcomes must build institutional commitment and capacity. Throughout the past decade we have successfully employed our approaches to institutional strengthening to improve government service delivery, and strengthen private sector and civil society organization performance around the world.

与我们联系. 全球最大体育平台的国际发展专家.

Our featured institutional strengthening and localization highlights

Engendering Industries participants from GRIDCo visit an electricity substation in Tema, 阿克拉附近, 加纳

Increasing Gender Equality in Male-dominated Industries Worldwide

Municipal water department employees installing a new valve in Cape Town, South Africa

Mobilizing Finance to Increase Climate-Resilient Water and Sanitation Services

A group of people in West Africa plant mangrove seedlings through a Tetra Tech-supported climate adaptation program


Rural community member collecting tree resin within a protected area near his village in northern Cambodia

Advancing Sustainable Management of Cambodia’s Prey Lang Extended Landscape

Female ecoguards collect biomonitoring data in Liberia’s Grebo-Krahn Forest

Advancing 生物多样性 Conservation and Climate Mitigation in West Africa

A woman wearing headphones sits at a desk with her back to the camera, 用双屏电脑工作

Delivering Inclusive Education and Building Local Teaching Capabilities in Lao PDR

Be part of our work in institutional strengthening and localization

Our people around the world are supporting our mission and vision to design and deliver sustainable and impactful development solutions. 与我们在利乐全球最大体育平台合作!
