


利乐全球最大体育平台在马德拉的费尔米德垃圾填埋场提供了全方位的垃圾填埋场工程支持服务, 加州

利乐全球最大体育平台提供了多学科的垃圾填埋场规划, 全球最大体育平台, 工程, 以及马德拉县费尔米德垃圾填埋场的法规遵从性支持, 加州, 自2007年以来.

堆填区业主在为当地社区提供财政和环保服务方面面临许多挑战. They must provide long-term waste disposal capacity to residents and businesses; maintain environmental controls to protect the public; comply with local, 状态, and federal regulatory standards; find ways to reduce, 重用, and recycle waste resources; and maintain the financial sustainability of their operations.


艾哈迈德·米. Alkhayyat, P.E.马德拉县公共工程副主任

利乐全球最大体育平台公司协助马德拉县公共工程部门应对这些有时相互冲突的挑战. Our full-service capabilities—including capital improvement 全球最大体育平台; landfill gas (LFG) management; and groundwater, 渗滤液, 以及雨水监测和报告——帮助该县的费尔米德垃圾填埋场保持生存, 兼容的, 并且正在逐步满足当地长期的废物管理需求.


  • 制订堆填区总体规划, 通过最大化现有的允许产能来延迟扩张的资本支出
  • 制定阶段性计划,尽量减少土壤储备
  • 在施工阶段之前,对全球最大体育平台进行可施工性审查,以解决潜在的施工问题
  • 通过对井场和收集系统的改造,提高了LFG收集效率
  • 扩大LFG系统,改善地面排放控制


Our team prepared a plan detailing short- and long-term site development; established lined refuse disposal phases; determined LFG capital improvements; identified opportunities for soil recovery; and recognized potential volume increases. 我们还准备了总开挖和填土计划, 垃圾填埋排序, 分期开挖, 土壤管理, 雨水收集全球最大体育平台, 渗滤液收集, 地下水监测系统, 以及处置单元的建全球最大体育平台划.


Tetra Tech优化了LFG井田, 标准化LFG设备, 并用更高效的井口替换了旧的组件, 空气压缩机, 和鼓风机. 我们的团队用新的替换了旧的照明站和过时的控制装置, highly efficient flare; replaced damaged wells and added new wells to increase LFG collection efficiency; and improved LFG flow rates to better control vertical and lateral LFG migration.


Our experts evaluated a groundwater detection monitoring program; provided recommendations for improving the monitoring network, 包括新井, 好了再开发, 泵更换, and wellhead security; performed operation, 维护, and monitoring of the LFG system (perimeter probes and surface emissions); and reported greenhouse gas release to the U.S. 环境保护局和加州空气资源委员会.
